Kiosk for a productive work environment

Individual and group training, access content, visitor management, digital signage and many other application on one tool. A touch-screen digital kiosk or display screen for your employees, visitors, and contractor to access necessary information, get trained without intervention from other people... saving significant amount of manpower.

Manufacturing factory shop floor 3d image

Your organizational goals and objectives should play a big role in the decision to invest in training infrastructure. You need to decide which problem you are trying to solve, where and how you will use the technology. Common use cases include:

  • Classroom training
    • Located in areas of your reception, training centre, office, that face users - internal and visitors. This system can be combination of large screen interactive displays, in sync with handheld devices with users, to conduct training on safety guidelines, contents on emergency response, dos and don'ts, best practices, operational procedures, etc.
  • Dedicated Visitor, contractor, Training-Kiosks
    • Touchscreen kiosks and tablets located at visitor reception can be an excellent medium for training and communicating safety and procedural requirements for your visitors.
    • Orientation course, does and don'ts, workplace information are incredibly helpful for providing your customers with a self-guided process.
Why DocuMate, factory worker working with paper and pen

Getting access to a physical copy of standard operation procedure, maintenance manual, or a training video of a machine at the "time of need" is always a challange while on the floor. DocuMate makes it easier for you to get instant access to such content.

Efficient access to such resources makes your worker informed, knowledgable, and less susseptible to error. Creating a safe and efficient workplace, leading to more profitable business for you.

With DocuMate you can:

  • Access contents by scanning a QR code.
  • Customize categories, locations and functionalities based on your organization requirement
  • Group related contents to access them using a single QR code
  • Share and Archive for quick access
Manufacturing factory background light silhouette

Product Highlight

Accessing content related to your workplace doesn't get easier than this. The back-end server software gives the flexibility to manage, control and publish your asset content from anywhere-anytime, so that users can access them on their fingertips.

  • Ease of Use:
    • Intuitive UI, can operate without need of any technical knowledge. Easy onboarding process, content creation, addition, and maintenance in just few clicks. And we are always available for user training, and ongoing support to ensure successful technology adoption.
  • Platform infrastructure:
    • We support customized back-end implementation to suit your organization requirement, either On-Premise, Hybrid or Cloud. Also, for dedicated usage of handheld devices, our commercial grade tablets are designed to run continuously in a harsh environment.
  • Features and Functionality:
    • Onboarding users, creating categories, adding contents, support for videos, various document formats, consolidated dashboard, and more..

Q-Kiosk Contents

DocuMate documents

We create visual SOP, LOTO procedures, animated contents, does and don'ts, and any other contents that you require for digitizing your equipment data. We also develop the audit forms according to operational parameters of your equipments, and customize them based on your requirement.

These contents are customized for your objectives, environment, and consistent throughout your organization to standardize safety practices across borders, independent of language, qualification or cultural variation.

We work closely with you to develop contents for a Better environmental controls, smarter operation, and higher standard of safety, which will help you improve behaviour of workers towards a healthier, safer and productive work environment.